Uncertain Times

We have entered a period of uncertain times. That fact is not debatable. The new administration is changing – or propos­ing to change – many of the things we have been complaining about but unfortunately have grown used to. Change always opens the door to uncertainty, but the phenomenal number of proposed changes, and the speed at which they are being rolled out, leaves many people with uncertainty on steroids. For most of the world, this is a major inconvenience. For those of us with businesses, uncertainty is a business killer that must be dispelled immediately by decisive action.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Christmas Lights at the End of the Tunnel

There’s an old expression describing when people find themselves in a dark and difficult spot today, but believe the future presents a brighter picture for them. They’ll say that they can “see the light at the end of the tunnel.” I believe that our country – at least when it comes to business – has been in that proverbial tunnel for the last three or four years. And as an eternal optimist, I believe we are about to come out of it and into a much brighter time for our businesses.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Thankful for the CI Board

This is the time of year when we reflect on and are thankful for the sacrifices of the people who have worked so hard to keep this chapter going. As with many chapters decimated by Covid, it has taken a while to recover, not just in membership, but in involvement in state and local activities. Your CI Board continues to remain positive and has put on several successful events this year. Let’s keep it going by attending the activities that remain.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
A Season of Learning

With the change of seasons, we are entering what can be called, “A Season of Learning.” With the arrival of fall, landscapers are looking at their same full schedule of work as earlier in the year, but less and less daylight hours to do it in. This probably affects your business as well. But don’t despair, you can use those late afternoon and evening hours to GROW YOUR BUSINESS through education.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
The Thrill of the Hunt

I was talking with a friend the other day in the galley of the Native Sun deep sea fishing and whale watching ship. We were on our way back from a full day of fishing in the waters around Catalina. It was our annual company fishing trip with which we thank our employees for their hard work, dependability, and professionalism throughout the year. This is a great way to interact with your employees and a few suppliers and I have found these off-site events to be very productive and lots of fun.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Fame, Fortune or Freedom…Which Motivates You?

Motivation is the inner force that determines much of what we do and how we do it. When applied to business, it is what pulls us through tough economic times, helps us deal with burdensome regulations, and empowers us to successfully navigate the minefield of staff challenges. If I had not been truly motivated to succeed when we opened our first Landscape Warehouse in that little blue house in Pasadena 25 years ago, we probably wouldn’t have been around to open our ninth location in beautiful Bakersfield just last month.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Busy Summer Planned

July is Smart Irrigation Month, a campaign that brings together irrigation companies and industry professionals to educate customers about water-use efficiency, so don't forget to optimize the irrigation timers for summer.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Are You a Freshman or a Senior?

It’s the middle of the year already, gradua­tions are underway and summer vacations are being planned. When my company joined CLCA we took advantage of all the educational events put on by various local chapters and took away a lot of information. Much of this information we already knew, but what we didn’t know really helped us become a better landscape company. Also, by networking in the association we learned faster, sometimes better methods of doing certain things.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Economic Woes Spread…But We’re Fighting Back

You don’t have to be a financial genius to figure out that a country cannot operate for very long with a national debt of 34 tril­lion dollars before the economy starts sliding sideways. With $5 per gallon gas, and infla­tion that has taken a 20% bite out of the dollar’s worth, it would seem that it couldn’t get any worse for businesses in California. Well…it has. Welcome to the new $20 per hour minimum wage which has already caused the price of food, hotel stays and restaurant visits to spike, with other areas of the economy expected to follow suit.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Change of Time, Change of Outlook

We have just “leaped forward” into Daylight Savings Time that brings with it an additional hour of daylight. It also brings a brighter outlook for landscape industry businesses that have struggled through the dark days of winter and are now looking forward to a busy spring season.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Winter Not So Wonderland?

Winter is a wonderful season for Holiday gift giving and receiving, football, skiing, and replenishing our badly needed water supply. It’s a time of joyful family gather­ings, off-season mini vacations, tasty Holiday foods, and of course all the joys of Christmas and New Year celebrations. Unfortunately, it is not a great season for most irrigation stores and suppliers.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Get Ready, the Robots are Coming!

It is sometimes said that – other than death and taxes – the only constant is change. Change is inevitable. It is human nature to resist change, primarily because of its threat to the status quo – which is known and at least tolerated. There is even more resistance because of fear of the unknown which change brings.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
A Season of Giving

Christmastime for me brings wonderful memories of family gatherings, both in Mexico and here in the US. These Holiday get-togethers are filled with great food, warm hugs, songs about the Reason for the Season, and gifts of all kinds, given, and received. Okay, perhaps they also include a few adult beverages. Not much different from your Christmases, I’m sure.

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Bronwyn MillerComment

The month of November and the Thanksgiving season bring up in many folks’ minds things and people for which they are thankful. I am no exception. I am thankful for wise and caring parents, grandparents, tíos and tías from whom I learned the value of education, hard work, honesty, and the importance of family. And I am thankful for my sons from whom I am learning to be an understanding Dad, and not just a father figure. (I am still working on this one!)

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Important Events Ahead

Hello Channel Island chapter members! I want to start by thanking everyone that was able to attend our 9th Annual Channel Islands Chapter & Friends Fishing Trip on September 15. I hope you had as much fun as I did! On behalf of the board, I would like to offer a special thanks to all our Sponsors; we couldn’t have put on this event without you. Thank you for your generosity and continued support of our chapter.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Don’t Miss the Benefits of Being an Active Member

I know I’ve talked about it before but being an active member of CLCA has really helped our company. We have been able to lean into the organization when we needed guidance. I am grateful for all the work our peers have referred to us, as well as the support they have offered when we needed it. I personally think any business can benefit from CLCA by becoming an ACTIVE member. If you are not active, you are missing out on most of the great benefits paid for by your membership dues.

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Bronwyn MillerComment
Be an ACTIVE Member of CLCA

Becoming an active member of CLCA has made a difference for our company. There is an old saying that comes to mind… “You only get out of something what you put into it.” Well, simply put, we’re putting into the association by being active volunteers.

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Bronwyn MillerComment