Don’t Miss the Benefits of Being an Active Member

Hello Channel Islands Chapter members! I hope you were able to get a spot on our 9th Annual Fishing Trip September 15, and I hope to meet you there. I am looking forward to a great day of fishing with lots of time between fishing spots to chat with our CLCA members and friends.

If you haven’t thought about joining the Channel Islands Chapter as a member of the board, I urge you to consider that option. Right now, we are planning new events for next year and would love to know what events our members would be most interested in attending.

I know I’ve talked about it before but being an active member of CLCA has really helped our company. We have been able to lean into the organization when we needed guidance. I am grateful for all the work our peers have referred to us, as well as the support they have offered when we needed it. I personally think any business can benefit from CLCA by becoming an ACTIVE member. If you are not active, you are missing out on most of the great benefits paid for by your membership dues.

There are several CLCA activities coming up besides our Fishing Trip, including the SFV Regional Golf Tournament September 26 at DeBell Golf Club in Burbank, and the Auxiliary Scholarship Auction in Tarzana October 19. I plan to attend both events to have fun, and to meet CLCA members from throughout the region. And don’t forget our CLCA Convention November 8-11 in Monterey. Some business mixed with lots of fun. Last but not least, don't miss our famous Channel Islands Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange, time and place to be decided. See you there.

~Ivan Salazar, 2023 Channel Islands Chapter President

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