Are You a Freshman or a Senior?
It’s the middle of the year already, graduations are underway and summer vacations are being planned. When my company joined CLCA we took advantage of all the educational events put on by various local chapters and took away a lot of information. Much of this information we already knew, but what we didn’t know really helped us become a better landscape company. Also, by networking in the association we learned faster, sometimes better methods of doing certain things.
The best analogy we have is, imagine attending a class in school as a freshman where your classmates are as smart or smarter than you are. It is a mixed class of freshmen and seniors. The seniors know the material better because they’ve been exposed to it longer than you have. They have solved problems you haven’t even learned of yet. You are all there because you enjoy the class. The Freshmen are learning something new, and the seniors learn more while also helping others. All want to be successful. That’s how CLCA is.
With that in mind I encourage you to attend events in our chapter as well as other chapters close to you. Ask questions, make new friends…and LEARN! We are also looking to expand our board, so give us a call. We would like to include your ideas about programs and events for the rest of this year and in 2025.
~Ivan Salazar, 2024 Channel Islands Chapter President