Thankful for the CI Board

This is the time of year when we reflect on and are thankful for the sacrifices of the people who have worked so hard to keep this chapter going. As with many chapters decimated by Covid, it has taken a while to recover, not just in membership, but in involvement in state and local activities. Your CI Board continues to remain positive and has put on several successful events this year. Let’s keep it going by attending the activities that remain.

Our next event is the Lighting Event on Thursday, November 7, at Devil Mountain Wholesale Nursery in Filmore. SPJ Lighting will be showing us the best ways to enhance our business’ success through proper lighting installation. You don’t want to miss it.

Next is our CLCA State Convention to be held in Newport Beach at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Don’t forget to sign up for the many events and meetings from November 13-16, including the General Membership Meeting and Trophy Awards.

Last is our dual chapter Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange with the San Fernando Valley Chapter. The event is set for December 7 at the residence of Rene and Wendy Emeterio in Santa Clarita. Reach out to me for details.

I am also thankful for the help the SFV Chapter has provided us throughout the year via joint activities and other support. It is very much appreciated. One of these events was the recent Auxiliary Auction Fundraiser for LEAF scholarships. It was a great family event with lots of laughs and for a great cause.

If you would like to be more involved and active in our chapter, please contact us, we could use your ideas and a little of your time. Happy Thanksgiving.

~Ivan Salazar, 2024 Channel Islands Chapter President

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