Positivity Can Conquer All

Crazy weather this month can also be a bless­ing for your business. It has been a long time since I’ve seen this much rain down in our area and we needed it. Yes, some of the projects have slowed down but you can also look at this as a positive.

A story I have heard over and over again in books and scouring the Internet for good material is between two salesmen. Today it was raining and both salesmen got up and started to go to work. The one who walked outside said it was raining. No one is going to work today. I should just go back home. The other one walked outside and said, “Great, it’s raining. Everyone will be inside so I should be able to see more people today.”

This story shows that positivity can conquer all. Our chapter is the same way. Work has slowed down for now, but this also gives us an opportunity to do great things for your community.

If you know of a community project out there that deserves our attention – landscape-related or not – let me know. In the past, we have helped out the Girls Scouts, the Can Tree Food Drive, the landscape completion for Judy Guido who was injured by a whacko landscaper, and more. The Judy Guido project landed our chapter a State Humanitarian Award. We did not undertake the project to get recognized, but all the same…it’s nice when you do.

~Kyle Hillendahl, 2023 Channel Islands Chapter Chairman of the Board

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