Make Money Learning How to Save Water

Yes, water restrictions are a big pain in the backside. But they can also provide a healthy new income stream for you. How? By your getting educated about ways to save water in the landscape which can make you a hero to your clients.

I learned early on in life that education is a key factor in becoming successful in just about every field of endeavor, including landscaping. I first learned from employers and staff members in landscape companies who knew what they were doing. Then I began taking classes in a variety of landscape related subjects, and eventually became an instructor in those classes. This was a very fulfilling part of my life, as I really enjoyed helping my students grow from everyday gardeners to landscape professionals. I still enjoy it, teaching a class or two about current important topics in the landscape industry.

That brings me to the subject at hand…how to turn the current wave of water restrictions into cash for you. Since the restrictions began, Landscape Warehouse has seen a dramatic increase in the sale of drip irrigation supplies due to landscapers’ efforts to decrease water consumption in their clients’ homes and businesses, as mandated. That’s good because I’m in the business of selling irrigation supplies. What is not good is that many of the folks buying this stuff don’t have a clue as to how, where, and how much they need to install it properly and most efficiently. They are installing throughout the whole yard randomly, rather targeting specific areas, plants and trees. I can tell by how much of it they are buying.

This is where making additional income comes in. If you can become educated in the best practices of irrigation project design and installation – both above ground and drip – then you will save money by not buying supplies you don’t need, and you can show your current and prospective customers dramatic savings in their water bills. You can also help them avoid fees and fines from water runoff due to improper installation and over watering. Also, you can let your clients know that there are currently no restrictions on drip irrigation in certain areas so its use is not limited to specific days and times. Additionally, the watering of trees is also exempted in certain cities.

So, becoming educated on how to deal with these water restrictions will make you a real water conservation professional which sets you above the competition, and for which you can charge more for your expert services.

– José Robles, owner, Landscape Warehouse

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