It Has Been an Honor to Serve You

I am so glad to have served you all as President the past two years. It has been an honor to lead a great board and a revitalized membership, but our work has just started. I have learned so much from each of you and look forward to continuing our work together in the coming year.

As we end this year, let's remember all the ways we've grown as a community. We've made new friends, strengthened our partnerships with other chapters and organizations, and had some great parties! We've also continued to grow as a chapter adding several new members in just one year!

Our goal for 2023 is to continue building on our strengths as a chapter while integrating new ideas and technology into our chapter work. We will focus on identifying and addressing issues, overcome new challenges by leveraging the expertise of our members and partners, and seek opportunities for collaboration with other groups around the world.

Let’s all give our incoming 2023 Chapter President Ivan Salazar the support he needs to keep the chapter’s momentum going. We still have a few open spots on the board and for committee chairs. Call me or Ivan and let us know you’d like to join our leadership team. You will grow and so will your company, and the chapter will benefit from your participation.

As always, thank you for being such an amazing group of people who are committed to making the industry better!

Have a great Christmas and we’ll see you at the Dual Chapter Installation with the SFV chapter on January 26 at SiteOne-Canoga Park.

~Kyle Hillendahl, 2022 Channel Islands Chapter President

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