Getting More Involved…Great. Joining Our Board…Better!
Involvement in our organization is a key factor in the success of your business. Being an involved member opens doors for learning, growth, and of course, additional business. But being involved AND joining our board, opens opportunities for you at a whole new level. Let me tell you why.
Joining the board six years ago changed a lot for me personally. I started out in a lower although important position helping where I could and showing up to all the board meetings. We were a small chapter and still growing then. The board members at that time – without knowing it – were teaching me how to lead and help my industry grow. Going above and beyond and volunteering for things that I thought I would never be able to accomplish, but actually have, is another major benefit from my time on the board.
Board membership involves meetings and events where you get to meet and network with members and officers from other chapters, as well as state board members and HQ staff. You will also meet and interact with Associate Members who can help your business in ways you have not even thought of yet.
Volunteerism, within our chapter and in our community, has several benefits. It gives you a chance to help others in some way, whether people, businesses, or organizations. And, when you begin to help others, you not only get a lot of personal satisfaction, but your helping others will result in others being there when you need help.
As a chapter board member, you will have firsthand communication regarding the chapter and state CLCA. This includes the latest industry news, pending political actions that may affect your business, and much more.
So, if you want to expand your network and increase your opportunities for personal and business advancement, then our Chapter Board is the place for you. Call me or another board member and let us know that you want to join the chapter’s leadership team.
~Kyle Hillendahl, 2022 Channel Islands Chapter President