New Year, New Challenges, New Successes

If you want the New Year to be better for you than the old one, then it would be wise to include some new projects, doing old things in new and better ways, and even adding new suppliers and new technical people to the way you do business. As difficult as it may be to add the right new things to your New Year’s to-do list, letting go of familiar things – and people that may be holding you back from making the changes you need to implement – is a hundred times more difficult.

You can’t be afraid of tackling new challenges either. Whether it’s a new product line, a new way of promoting your business, or getting involved in an entirely new venture, “playing it safe” will guarantee a repetition of last year’s results.

Times have changed and not for the better. With Covid’s restrictions and the challenges it has caused in staffing our companies – especially one like ours with multiple sites – some folks might be happy just keeping up with last year’s numbers. Some folks, but not me. Nor you either. Add to that the threat of increased interest rates and continued supply chain disruptions, and well…some “the sky is falling” types might prefer to crawl into a cave and skip 2022 entirely. That’s not for me either.

When you bravely launched out into the arena of entrepreneurism, when you dared to start your own business even when some friends and family were thinking it was a dumb idea, you proved them wrong. Look at you Mr. or Ms. Businessperson! Well, you will need to reignite that “fire in the belly” that brought you where you are today, and let it drive your business to the next level in the year ahead.

Landscape Warehouse has already started doing some new things designed to help us beat last year’s numbers. Our advertising in the Clipper newsletter for one…that’s new. We also developed a company slogan: “Everything you need for your next award-winning landscape.” That’s new too. We have several other “new things” we are considering for this year as well. You should be doing the same.

Some things may not work out, but that’s OK because the next one will. And it’s the next one that will take your business to the next level and beyond.

Here’s wishing you a very Healthy, Happy, and Successful 2022.

– José Robles, owner, Landscape Warehouse

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