After a Slow Start, It’s Full Speed Ahead

May is here! The first trimester of the year is done, and a lot of things have been talked about, but no real events have been pulled together, as yet. At the beginning of the year, we started our meetings on Zoom, and Covid was averaging 100,000 cases a day in California. We have been meeting every month discussing ways we can improve all aspects of our CLCA Chapter, and to look at possible events from which all our members can benefit.

This is proving to be tricky without a VP of Events on our board. But move forward we must, and we have received great input from CLCA leaders and others on how to overcome the “Covid slide.” If you are interested in becoming a member of our Chapter Board, reach out to me. It will be a good investment of your time.

We are presently planning several events through the rest of the year and have retained Bronwyn Miller to develop a new Chapter website and manage our social media presence.

Peer-to-Peer Program

State CLCA is working on getting the Peer-to-Peer program active again. The program’s committee has begun to meet, and they are looking at avenues for new membership and ways to provide more incentives to becoming a member.

~Kyle Hillendahl, 2022 Channel Islands Chapter President

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